Client: World Vision International
Assignment date: March –April 2016
Project: World Vision International Somaliland Final Evaluation of a Livelihoods Project
Description: Euro Africa Consult Ltd., won the contract from World Vision International, Somalia Program to undertake the final evaluation of the Odweyne Area Rehabilitation Program in Togedheer Region, Somaliland. This was a four-year project funded by the EU and aimed at assisting the 2011-2012 drought victims after they lost most of their productive assets due to one of the severest droughts recorded in over 50 years in the region. Activities included rangeland rehabilitation; development of sustainable water sources; livestock disease control; capacity development of local governance structures; cash transfer activities for cash-for-work initiatives in the project; etc.
Scope of Work: Our consultant undertook the evaluation using standard criteria of evaluation looking at relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, impact, sustainability and the mainstreaming of cross-cutting issues such as community participation, environment, gender, HIV and AIDS and people with living with disabilities into programming. He trained field enumerators, carried out a household assessment, consulted with key stakeholders and project partners and looked into the sustainability of project structures and processes.
Client: ACF, ADRA, CARE, COOPI, Danish Refugee Council, Oxfam and World Vision
Assignment date: Aug. – Sept. 2012
Project: Proposal formulation and development for Somalia Resilience Program
Description: One consultant from Euro Africa Development Consultants (a precursor to the current Company), joined another consultant to prepare a USD 80 m Somalia Resilience Program proposal to be funded over a three-year period by multiple donors and implemented by a Consortium of 7 NGOs i.e. ACF, ADRA, CARE, COOPI, Danish Refugee Council, Oxfam and World Vision.
Client: IGAD
Assignment date: January – April 2016
Project: Mid Term Review of IGAD’s IDDRSI programme Framework and achievements
Description: Euro Africa Consult Ltd. provided two consultants to a six-person team (two IGAD officials and four independent consultants) to carry out the mid-term review of IDDRSI, looking at framework achievements, challenges and lessons learned and making recommendations for the remaining period under Phase 1 of the Programme.
Scope of Work: The team visited Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Djibouti and Uganda. Euro Africa Consult Ltd. staff led and facilitated a huge stakeholder feedback workshop in Nairobi (more than 100 IDDRSI stakeholders) from the 7 countries and made a power point presentation with very positive feedback from the participants.
Client: Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in The Hague)
Assignment date: September-October 2014
Project: Gender and Livestock Study
Description: The company provided one consultant to team up with another consultant from the Netherlands to undertake a scoping study for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in The Hague) with a view to establishing the potential for the Dutch Government to support pastoralist women in livestock value chains in the Horn of Africa covering Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia.
Client: ACF, ADRA, CARE, COOPI, Danish Refugee Council, Oxfam and World Vision
Assignment date: Aug. – Sept. 2012
Project: Proposal formulation and development for Somalia Resilience Program
Description: One consultant from Euro Africa Development Consultants (a precursor to the current Company), joined another consultant to prepare a USD 80 m Somalia Resilience Program proposal to be funded over a three-year period by multiple donors and implemented by a Consortium of 7 NGOs i.e. ACF, ADRA, CARE, COOPI, Danish Refugee Council, Oxfam and World Vision.
Client: Swiss Development Cooperation; ECHO and the European Union
Assignment date: Jan-Feb 2014
Project: Impact Assessment for an IGAD Regional Project (RISPA)
Description: Euro Africa Consult Ltd. provided two consultants to undertake an impact assessment of FAO-IGAD’s Regional Initiative in Support of Pastoralists and Agro-Pastoralists in the Horn of Africa (RISPA) Project.
Scope of Work: This was a 3-year project funded by the Swiss Development Cooperation; ECHO and the European Union and aimed at supporting pastoral policy; resilience; food security; capacity building; regional policy harmonization as well as working with community groups; traditional institutions; government departments and International NGOs in six countries – Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti and Somalia.